My life... but not as we know it!

Thursday, October 09, 2003

I love to blog, blog blog blog blog, loud and long and clear.
So anyway this week I've been trying to do that worshiping in the morning evening and daytime thang. But... on Friday, my first attempt, I found myself playing my Worship songs in the car on the way to work, attempting to get in the right frame of mind, and at the same time getting ratty with other drivers and the Tipton barriers (railway line)...
Anyhoo a very sensible person suggested that the next time another driver upset me I should say God Bless You! This has worked for me! I have spent most of the rest of the week thanking and praising God for all he has given me instead of complaining about the little things I haven't done for myself!!! Hope this post has helped someone other than me...
love j xxx
I love to blog, blog blog blog blog so everybody can hear!!!


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