My life... but not as we know it!

Friday, September 19, 2003

Yo peeps! On a more positive note today, this week has been great since my boring sad ramblings t'other day! First I had a really great moment with one of the lil ones at school! To elaborate a 7 year old girl asked me whether or not you had to go to church to be a Christian! I know that to lots of people this would just be a child asking a childish question, but to me it was one of the few chances I get to carry out God's Great Commission to us all of spreading the word of the gospel and explaining more about the Christian faith to someone who was unsure and eager to know more! I felt this was important because in turn that girl will go home and tell her family about it and it may help them too! This was further stressed to me in our Thursday night Bible Study at church (which, by the way, was lead expertly by some really amazing young men who are really on fire for God and are great and loyal friends,especially you Jon-a-Tron)! God really has been talking to me about mission this week and that was just the conclusion I needed. I was wondering whether it was right for me to stay here in the comfort of my home when I have friends who seem to be risking a lot by going abroad, to disadvantaged areas, where it is difficult because of language barriers, lack of funds, and generally being 'outside their comfort zone'. This had been playing on my mind for a while and God definately spoke to me this week telling me that I have left my 'comfort zone' and that there are just as many people in my own vicinity who need to learn about the gospel! He also told me that I shouldn't worry so much about things that I have no control over and reminded me about his plan for my life!!! This was a GREAT week! Love j9 x


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