My life... but not as we know it!

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Hello! My holiday week is almost over!
I wish I'd had time to do more fun stuff this week, but roll on Christmas! Yipee...
Can we all give a cheer for baby Jesus! How did he know that we'd all need a break come December? Genius!
Anyhow... must dash... lots to do... Say hi to Bec everyone she's here doing muchos work!
Much love x

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Okay I must do this... Everyone seems to be posting song lyrics and I hate to feel left out so here goes: Some people say that I threw my brain away, That I'm illogical and don't have much to say. Some people say that it's foolish to believe, In what we cnnot see, so we're deceived. All that I can do is listen to you, all that you can be is out there, you'll see... They're from a song called Foolish by one of my most favourite bands, MXPX. I love to listen to their album 'the ever passing moment' the others are good too but I love the contrast of the music on this album cos it has tracks that make you think, make you want to dance and make you sing along!
I really enjoyed Alton Towers on Saturday, being there with such a great bunch of people, getting to know Simone a bit better and all those cool rides! I would love to do that kinda thing more often, it really took my mind off some of the lousy stuff thats going on at the moment.
Wedding preparations are going ok, and I really can't wait, I'm so excited to be marrying the love of my life in the prescence of all those (or at least most of those) who are closest to us! It is extremely exciting!
Much love, J xxx

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Hey guys! I've had a really hideous week at work so far this week and I woke up this morning dreading going in. I decided not to blog until I had something positive to say and today I do! I started out to work in my car quite unhappily for me and tried singing along to my stereo, this didn't cheer me up much BUT when I was waiting at the Tipton barriers (surprise, surprise) I read my Daily Bread! It was about Joseph and the positive attitude he continued to have towards God, life and his faith even through years spent wrongly imprisoned. This made me realise that a few lousy days at work are nothing in comparison to what some people have to endure and that I should carry on carrying on and enjoy living with God....
Much Love x

Friday, October 17, 2003

Hey everyone, I'm feeling a little bit better!!! Hope nobody else gets this sicky, fluey, grossness its horrid! Anyhoo this was just to tell y'all that I'm not dead and I would love it if you could all pray for the year one class I'm working with at the moment... they need some guidance. Much love x

Thursday, October 09, 2003

I love to blog, blog blog blog blog, loud and long and clear.
So anyway this week I've been trying to do that worshiping in the morning evening and daytime thang. But... on Friday, my first attempt, I found myself playing my Worship songs in the car on the way to work, attempting to get in the right frame of mind, and at the same time getting ratty with other drivers and the Tipton barriers (railway line)...
Anyhoo a very sensible person suggested that the next time another driver upset me I should say God Bless You! This has worked for me! I have spent most of the rest of the week thanking and praising God for all he has given me instead of complaining about the little things I haven't done for myself!!! Hope this post has helped someone other than me...
love j xxx
I love to blog, blog blog blog blog so everybody can hear!!!

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Just checking in to say Hi! And thankyou Matt for reminding me that I am just "Fast Food Rocker smiley"(ie obvious) and that other people show their happiness in different ways!!! I just wish I wasn't so cheesy! I am really starting to worry that my eclectic taste in music has gone a few steps too far with Daniel Beddingfield in my CD collection!? But I find myself singing along, and he seems so genuine! Well as usual if ya wanna say hi click below!!!!
Love j9 x

Friday, October 03, 2003

Last night was a good one in many ways! I really believe that we should worship throughout our lives in everything we do and say!!! This isn't always easy but it feels important, so by making worship a 24/7 thing we can fulfill the mission that God has given us to spread his word, just by doing what should come naturally!!! Praising him!!! We prayed for some people who are really important to me on a personal level and that made me feel that our God is an awesome God (to quote some famous lyrics) and that He can and will do anything we ask of Him if it is right for His plan.
Anyway afterward I got to see some really cool peeps later on when I went to pick Ste up from the pub as well! Sye, Kerry and Matt were there and I had some giggles with them without reverting to 'old' Janine! It was really uplifting and made my day go well today!
I have a vague issue though, one that has come up more often than I would like in the last few days! I, as many people know, am a smiley, generally happy person who has usually got a relatively positive outlook on life! This has been so since I can remember! I had got used to others asking me Why or How I am this way! However I would like to know why those people can't be like me??? Would it be rude to ask them that question? And if they are a Christian they have no excuse for not being happy! Anyway, much love, shout out in my comments! j9 xxx

Thursday, October 02, 2003

I am excited cos its Thursday and Thursday means Gospel Driven Church and Gospel Driven Church means friends and God and friends and God are two of the things that bless me most!!! I have learned so much from the last couple of weeks, not just about God's plan for me but about my friends at church and how I should manage my relationship with people from outside church!
Anyways I will be back later ranting about my experience tonight! Love j9 xxx